Easy Ways Head, Neck and Limbs

by Instant Anatomy


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Learn anatomy on the go with this series of lectures on the head, neck and limbs

This app contains the Easy Ways series on the Head and Neck and LimbsHN14 - Rules and Exceptions in the Head and Neck. Part 1 HN15 - Rules and Exceptions in the Head and Neck. Part 2 HN16 - Parasympathetic Connections in the Head HN17 - Role of the Cranial Nerves in Autonomic Distribution in the head HN18 - Types of Ganglia HN19 - Parasympathetic Pathways for Nose, Palate, Sinuses and Lacrimal Gland. The Pterygopalatine Fossa HN20 - Autonomic Nerve Supply to the Eye and Principles of Pupil Control. Light and Near Reflexes HN21 - Eye Movements HN22 - Visual Pathways HN23 - The Upper Eye Lid, Levator Palpebrae Superioris and Horners Syndrome HN24 - Cranial Nerve Brain Stem Nuclei and Exit Sites from Brain HN25 - Cranial Nerves from Brain to Foramina HN26 - Skull Base Foramina HN27 - The Facial Nerve within the Middle ear HN28 - Cortical Control of Cranial Nerves with Details of Facial Nerve to Face HN29 - The Jugular Foramen & Details of the Vagus Nerve HN30 - The Infratemporal Fossa UL10 - Palpable Structures and Vulnerable Nerves in the Upper Limb UL11 - Arteries, Veins & Lymphatics in the Upper Limb - An Overview UL12 - Myotomes and Dermatomes in the Upper Limb UL13 - Principles of Movements at Joints in the Upper Limb UL14 - Movements at Sternoclavicular Joint and Abduction of the Shoulder UL15 - Axilla and its Three Spaces UL16 - Brachial Plexus and its Topographical Features UL17 - Events Occurring at Mid-Humerus UL18 - Cubital Fossa and Interosseous Membrane UL19 - Arteries and Nerves in the Elbow Region UL20 - Forearm - Analysis of Flexion and Extension UL21 - Snuff Box and Ventral Wrist UL22 - Flexor and Extensor Retinacula LL6 - Overview of Arteries and Lymphatics in Lower Limb LL7 - Veins & Pulses in the Lower Limb LL8 - Dermatomes, Myotomes & Reflexes in the Lower Limb LL9 - Principles of Movement at Joints in the Lower Limb LL10 - Developmental Internal Rotation - Femoral and Obturator Nerves LL11 - Thigh Muscles and Adductor CanalLL12 - Femoral Triangle and Femoral Canal LL13 - Gluteal Region LL14 - Sciatic Foramina & the 6Ps LL15 - Arterial Supply of Hip LL16 - Knee and Unhappy Triad Syndrome LL17 - Q Angle and Locking of the KneeLL18 - Bursae and the popliteal fossaLL19 - Nerve Lesions in the Lower Limb LL20 - Prolapsed Discs Affecting the Lower Limb LL21 - Compartment syndrome LL22 - Tibia, fibula & interosseous membrane LL23 - Ligaments & tendons at ankle LL24 - Foot arches & talocalcaneonavicular joint LL25 - Comparison of hand & foot THE AUTHOR: Robert Whitaker has spent his clinical career as a paediatric urological surgeon. Since retiring 20 years ago he now teaches clinically applied topographical anatomy to first-year medical students at Cambridge University, in the UK. He also teaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiological and other speciality trainees and is a former examiner for the MRCS at the English and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.bug fixes